Keyboard Shortcut

Keyboard Shortcut
Hi Friends, as many of new users on computers want know that keyboard shortcut key to smooth operating.
In view of that i have collected some basic keyboard shortcut and going to share here. If you are finding computer keyboard shortcut defiantly it will help you.

Keyboard shortcuts Output Description
Alt+F File menu options in the current program.
Alt+E Edit options in current program
Alt+Tab The interchange between open programs
Alt+F4 Close the currently open program
Ctrl+N Create a new or blank document in some software programs.
Ctrl+O Open a file in the current software program
Ctrl+A Select all text.
Ctrl+B For Bold the Selected Text.
Ctrl+I Change selected text to be in Italics
Ctrl+U Change selected text to be Underlined
Ctrl+F Open find window for current document or window.
Ctrl+S Save current document file.
Ctrl+X Cut selected item.
Shift+Del Cut selected item.
Ctrl+C Copy selected item.
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+Y Redo last Activity ( Mostly use after Ctrl+Z )
Ctrl+Z Undo last Activity
Ctrl+K Insert hyperlink for selected text
Ctrl+P Print the page or document
Home Goes to Starting of the current line.
Ctrl+Home For moving the cursor to the beginning of a document.
End Goes to end of current line.
Ctrl+End For moving the cursor to the end of a document.
Ctrl+Left arrow Moves one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl+Right arrow Moves one word to the right at a time.
Ctrl+Esc Opens the START menu
Ctrl+Shift+Del Opens Windows Task Manager and other programs
Ctrl+Page Up For Goes to starting of page
Ctrl+Page End For Goes to End of page
F2 Rename a selected file
F5 Refresh the current program window

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